Rajasyamala Devi

Rajasyamala Devi

  • Rajasyamla Devi Navaratrulu 2024

    The Rajashyamala Puja is a Hindu ritual dedicated to appeasing the powerful Goddess Rajashayamala Devi. This puja is conducted with the aim of seeking the goddess’s blessings and attaining success in both business and political endeavors.

    Its purpose is to enhance career opportunities, foster growth, and improve overall prospects. By engaging in the Rajashyamala puja, individuals aim to align themselves with positive forces, attracting good fortune into their lives. According to Hindu belief, Goddess Raja Shyamala Devi is characterized as the Three-Eyed manifestation of Goddess Shakti.

    Those who perform this puja for themselves are believed to be bestowed with knowledge, eloquence, wealth, and happiness.


    Performing Rajashyamala Puja offers assistance in overcoming challenges or issues with the government, acting as a shield for one’s family against suffering and financial difficulties. It is believed to attract great wealth into one’s life. Moreover, individuals engaging in this puja experience enhancement in their musical abilities, knowledge, and wisdom.

    The puja serves as a catalyst for various career-related aspects, facilitating job finding, career changes, and career advancements such as promotions. It contributes to the development of magnetic qualities, drawing in people, businesses, money, success, and wealth. Furthermore, the practitioner may enhance their persuasive communication skills and gain vaak Siddhi, leading to a radiant face, happiness, and the acquisition of new abilities and talents. The puja also provides physical security and defense against animal bites while fostering attraction towards the opposite gender.

    One of the significant benefits of Rajashyamala Puja is Vijaya Prapti, signifying success in all endeavors and the attainment of gains and favorable circumstances. The ritual encourages individuals to acquire knowledge dominance, gaining an advantage over others, especially in their vocations.

    In essence, Rajashyamala Puja is considered a potent invocation, offering individuals the opportunity to enhance their professional chances and receive the blessings needed to pursue their career aspirations successfully. It is seen as a chance bestowed by the divine to give a proper boost to one’s career and achieve the intended goals.



    Performing Rajashyamala Puja offers assistance in overcoming challenges or issues with the government, acting as a shield for one’s family against suffering and financial difficulties. It is believed to attract great wealth into one’s life. Moreover, individuals engaging in this puja experience enhancement in their musical abilities, knowledge, and wisdom.

    The puja serves as a catalyst for various career-related aspects, facilitating job finding, career changes, and career advancements such as promotions. It contributes to the development of magnetic qualities, drawing in people, businesses, money, success, and wealth. Furthermore, the practitioner may enhance their persuasive communication skills and gain vaak Siddhi, leading to a radiant face, happiness, and the acquisition of new abilities and talents. The puja also provides physical security and defense against animal bites while fostering attraction towards the opposite gender.

    One of the significant benefits of Rajashyamala Puja is Vijaya Prapti, signifying success in all endeavors and the attainment of gains and favorable circumstances. The ritual encourages individuals to acquire knowledge dominance, gaining an advantage over others, especially in their vocations.

    In essence, Rajashyamala Puja is considered a potent invocation, offering individuals the opportunity to enhance their professional chances and receive the blessings needed to pursue their career aspirations successfully. It is seen as a chance bestowed by the divine to give a proper boost to one’s career and achieve the intended goals.


  • Rajasyamaladevi Moola Mantra Homam and Puja – 1 Day

    Rajasyamaladevi is a very powerful goddess, Worshipping her or doing Homams leads one to success in any business or political life.

    Rajasyamaladevi Moola Mantra Homam and Puja – 1 Day  

    Kalasa Sthapana, Moola Mantra Homam and Puja: 108 Times 

    Time: 2 hours


    Benefits of Raja Shyamala Homam:

    • It helps in overcoming any government-related problems or obstacles.
    • Blesses and protects one’s family from misery and money-related sorrows, thereby giving you a high fortune in life.
    • The person gains proficiency in music, knowledge, and wisdom.
  • Mahanyasa Purvaka Rudrabhishekam and Rajasyamaladevi Pasupata Homam – 1 Day

    Significance of Mahanyasapurvaka Rudrabhishekam:

    Mahath means great (like mahatyam). Nyasam is purification. With these, Mahanyasam is said to be a form of purification.

    The act of mahanyasam purifies mind, body and soul. In all Mahanyasa purvaka Rudrabhishekam is a special pooja to Lord Siva chanting along with Rudram. An orthodox person who performs Sandhya Vandanam knows Anganyasam and Karanyasam. Like those, Mahanyasam is also a prakriya in pooja.

    Mahanyasam is said to be done before chanting Rudram. It is given in Bruhath Parasara Smruti.

    Witness the Mahanyasa Purvaka Rudraabhishekam to the divine chants of Sri Rudram from Vedas and wash off sins from several births.

    Benefits: Gives courage and confidence to complete difficult endeavours


    Rajasyamaladevi is a very powerful goddess, Worshipping her or doing Homams leads one to success in any business or political life.

    Rajasyamaladevi Moola Mantra Homam and Puja – 1 Day  

    Kalasa Sthapana, Moola Mantra Homam and Puja: 108 Times 


    Benefits of Raja Shyamala Homam:

    • It helps in overcoming any government-related problems or obstacles.
    • Blesses and protects one’s family from misery and money-related sorrows, thereby giving you a high fortune in life.
    • The person gains proficiency in music, knowledge, and wisdom.


     Total Time for both Homams and Puja’s – 4 hours

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